World Chiropractic Federation 2021
Platform Video Presentations
Moore C, Wong A, de Luca K, de Carvalho D, Johansson M, Pohlman K, Miller A, Funabashi M, Dougherty P, French S, Adams J, Kawchuk G.
Vohra S, Cassidy D, Kawchuk G, Yager J, O’Beirne M, Westaway M, Funabashi M, Hill M, Ibrahim Q, Mior S, Hurwitz E, Pohlman K
Weis C, Pohlman K, Draper C, da Silva-Oolup S, Stuber K, Hawk C
Funabashi M, Pohlman KA, Salsbury S, Holmes M, Mior S
Pohlman K, Caroll L, Hartling L, Tsyuki R, Vohra S
Poster Presentations
Carleo B, Anderson K, Prevost C, Pohlman K
Gliedt J, Muller R (Student), Cooper J, Eklund A, Martinez S, Pohlman K
Schueren S, Hunger H, Pham H, Malaya C
Association of Chiropractic Colleges - Research Agenda Conference 2021-2022
Parker Faculty/Student Publications
Parker Research Publications
Platform Video Presentations
Sonography of Spondylolisthesis: Technique Identification and Verification Study
Cho J, Smoley C
Patient Characteristics and clinical outcomes associated with conservative treatment for spine pain in socioeconomically disadvantaged women
Pohlman K, Morham S, Reichardt A, Toth A, Olin G, Passmore S
Poster Presentations
Adapting a Conference on Teaching and Integrating EBP into Curricula: PIE2023 for CIH Educators.
Pohlman K, Monier Z, Jacobs C, Long C, Lawrence D, Madigan D, Stites J, Goldenberg J, Hoyt K, Lefebvre R, Tibbles T
Pohlman, KA. (2022). Patient Safety Culture: A Necessity for Chiropractic and Pediatric Health Care. In C.A. Anrig & G.P. Plaugher (Authors). Pediatric Chiropractic (3rd, pp. 7-20). LWW.