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Faculty Publications
Alsharif, A. M.
Effect of Using Virtual Lab Simulations on Student’s Learning in Online General Physics Courses. International Journal of Education. 2022. 14(3), 89.
Cho JC,
 Tollefson L, Reckelhoff K. Sonographic evaluation of the degree of medial meniscal extrusion during Thessaly test in healthy knees. Chiropr Man Therap (in submission)
Neff SM, Deyo RL, Macauley AL, 
Lawrence DJ
. Cross-Sectional Survey of Opinions, Professional Changes, and Personal Hardships of COVID-19 on Chiropractors in the United States. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2022 Jun 23:S0161-4754(22)00042-2.
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