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World Chiropractic Federation 2022
Innovation & Video Presentations
Use and attitudes toward diagnostic ultrasonography: A cross-sectional survey in an educational setting.
Zipay N, Cho J
Process of integrating evidence (PIE) for complementary and integrative healthcare (CIH) educators: Confidence changes to use and teach evidence-based practice (EBP)
Pohlman KA, Jacobs C, Hoyt K, Goldenberg J, LeFevbre R, Madigan D
Faculty manuscript writing program.
Monier Z, Pohlman KA
Monitoring academic engagement to identify students at risk and intervene before it is too late.
Maguire C
Poster Presentations
Changes in Chiropractic Students’ Attitude Toward Back Pain Management After One of Three Clinical Evidence Educational Training Procedures
Pohlman, K, Malaya C, Monier Z, Morales V, Tom L, Muller R, Eklund A, Browning A, Boylan P, Palmgren PJ, Cerf K, Stuber K
Using an Active Surveillance Reporting System to Prospectively Identify Adverse Events at the Macquarie University Chiropractic Teaching Clinics
Pohlman K, Burrell C, Funabashi M, de Luca K, Giuriato R, Downie A
Assessment for Learning: An Essential Component of Student Engagement
Maguire C
Identification of Master Patient Index (MPI) Record Challenges from Healthcare Professionals? Perspectives
Malaya C, Riaz A, Chandrasekaran S, Mohiuddin Z, Layne C.
Simulated Gravitational Loading Alters Lower Extremity Kinematics and Electromyographic Variables During Walking
Malaya C, Riaz A, Chandrasekaran S, Mohiuddin Z, Layne C
Association of Chiropractic Colleges - Research Agenda Conference 2022-2023
Parker Faculty/Student Publications
Parker Research Publications
Platform Video Presentations
Poster Presentations
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